Local Tutors

Explore Local Tutoring Options

This list is provided as a community service. We strongly encourage UCCS students to utilize the free services of the Excel Math Center. Private tutors are not all Math Center employees, and private tutoring is not a free service. Fees are determined on a case by case basis between the tutor and student.

If you are an individual in the Colorado Springs area and would like to be added to our list of tutors, please fill out the information form and return it to the Math Center in Engineering 233, or email it to the center director at jdorring@uccs.edu.  



Contact Email


Bharthwaj Anantharaman

PhD in chemical engineering from MIT, has tutored over 150 students.

High school and college level mathematics, physics and chemistry. Math from pre-calculus through differential equations, including statistics and geometry.bharthwaj@alum.mit.edu(713) 377-3970

Maggie Andrews

Master's degree in chemical and biological engineering from CU Boulder.

Over 20 years experience teaching and tutoring at the high school and college level.

Elementary school through college level mathematics, including Calculus 1, 2, 3, differential equations, linear algebra, discrete math and statistics. Can also provide assistance with physics, chemistry, biology and engineering courses.



(765) 543-7542

Bill Bair

Master's degree in aerospace engineering from UCCS.

Over 20 years tutoring experience. Physics lecturer at UCCS.

Middle school core math curriculum, high school and college-level math, including algebra, geometry, Calculus 1 - 3, linear algebra, & differential equations. Mechanical engineering, and all levels of physics.



(208) 995-0880

Evan Bertrand

CU student majoring in engineering. Two plus years of college-level tutoring experience.

Elementary school through college-level math, including Calculus 1, 2, and 3, and Statistics.evan.bertrand12@gmail.com(719) 640-9358

Gaurav Bhagat

Eighteen years tutoring experience, three years teaching experience.

All levels of middle school and high school mathematics; college mathematics through Calculus IIcelebration26@yahoo.com(719) 302-2236

Jazzmyn Boykins

BS in mechanical engineering from UCCS.

High school Algebra 1 and 2; College Algebra, and Calculus 2.jboykins@uccs.edu 

Dionisia DeLaCerda

Bachelor's degree in mathematics, master's degree in public administration.

All levels of high school and college mathematics, including statistics.

Available for online tutoring only.

themathgeek@aol.com(719) 209-3688

Laura DeOtte

Bachelor's degree in engineering (biomedical option). Eleven years experience tutoring.

Elementary, middle, high school and college level tutoring.

All levels of math through Calculus 3; high school and college level statistics; high school  physics, high school & college-level chemistry and anatomy & physiology; Computer Science R, Python, Bash/Linux.


ElevateSTEM tutoring

(719) 345-8190

Melinda K Dooley

MS in biology, BS in neuroscience. Over ten years tutoring and teaching experience. SpEd certified teacher, specializing in nervous and math-anxious learners.

Elementary, middle school and high school math, including Algebra 1, Algebra 2, and Geometry. Can also tutor Biology, Biochemistry, Anatomy & Physiology and preclinical mathematics.


MelindaKDooley@gmail.com(512) 743-7176

David Everest

Former university professor with 28 years experience teaching as a fulltime profession.

All levels of college math. Specializes in calculus for engineers and other mathematical majors. Will work with high school students under certain circumstances.



(805) 441-1124

Justin Garrish

Bachelor's and master's degrees in mathematics, minor in physics.

All levels of mathematics, from elementary through college. College and high school physics.




Kristen Gearhart

Master's degree in mathematics, more than 6 years experience tutoring and teaching math at the college level.

All levels of high school and college mathematics: algebra, trigonometry, Calculus 1, 2, 3, Discrete Math and Number Theory. Advanced mathematics, including Analysis, Abstract Algebra, Linear Algebra and Topology.

**Discounts for groups of 2 or more. Online tutoring available, too.



(719) 822-1689

Jewell Anne Hartman

More than five years tutoring experience. BA in mathematics and MS physics.

All levels of high school and college math and physics, Matlab, C++, and Mathematica.jhartman@uccs.edu(719) 330-0198

Blue Hovatter

BA in mathematics. Over 20 years of tutoring experience.

All levels of elementary, middle school and high school math, college-level math through Calculus 1. Also helps with math placement prep.

Tutoring is online only.



(970) 581-1255

Isabel Kahler

Bachelor of science degree in mathematics from CSU-Pueblo. Two years tutoring experience, including work with Veterans' Upward Bound and TRIO Upward Bound at CSU.

All levels of elementary, middle school and high school math; College Algebra, Trigonometry, pre-Calculus, Calculus I, II, & III, Probability, Statistics, Number Theory, Differential Equations, Linear Algebra, Discrete Math, College Geometry, and Abstract Algebra; Intro to Java, Intro to Python, Intro to C++, and college-level Chemistry I and II.isabel.kahler.2000@gmail.com(719) 248-0734

Jacob Lojewski

Bachelors degrees in math and physics from UCCS. Over 8 years tutoring experience.

All levels of high school math; Calculus I, II, & III, differential equations and linear algebra, college physics, and programming, including C/C++ and Python.jlojewsk@uccs.edu 

Mac O'Brien

Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from Colorado College.

Elementary, middle, and high school math, some college math. All levels of high school and college computer science.mac.w.obrien@gmail.com(402) 689-5407

Heather Potter

Master's degree in Applied Mathematics from UCCS. CRLA certified tutor. Over 15 years tutoring experience, and over 10 years teaching experience.

All math courses K - 12; college-level math courses up to Calculus 1 and 2, including college preparatory courses. Online or in-person.mathtutoring4u123@gmail.com 

Virginia Ramos

Master's in mathematics, high school and college teaching experience.

Algebra (all levels), Trigonometry, Precalculus, Calculus I & II, Statistics.cvaquick@gmail.com

(719) 635-9385

(719) 761-1343

Amy Rediger

Bachelor's in math education, high school math teaching experience.

All levels of middle school and high school math, including statistics. College math through Calculus 1 & 2, including college preparatory classes.
Amy.rediger@gmail.com(678) 382 - 2511

Nicole Rosa

BS in mathematics from Carnegie-Mellon University, MS in computer science from CU. Twenty-eight years tutoring experience. Military discounts available; will work with VA.

All levels of high school and college mathematics, including algebra, geometry, trigonometry and calculus, as well as ACT/SAT preparation.

**Bring-a-friend discount for in-person tutoring. Online tutoring available, too.

nicki@totalmath.net(719) 320-5552

Jim Willetts

Bachelor's degree in mathematics, minor in physics

Middle school through college level mathematics. Also tutors physics and tennis.jimwtennis@aol.com(719) 268-7181